Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph

class fisspy.prerpocess.proc_gui.PrepGUI(basedir, ffocA=None, ffocB=None, savedir=None)

Description: Run prerpocess with the GUI interactive figure.


  • basedir (str) - Path of the base directory. ex: '/data/fiss/2014/06/03'
  • ffocA (str, optional) - Filename of the focus file of the camera A. It will be used for the camera tilt correction.
  • ffocB (str, optional) - Filename of the focus file of the camera B. It will be used for the camera tilt correction.
  • savedir (str, optional) - Target directory to save the processed and compressed data. If it is not given, the file will be stored in the base directory.


  • PrepGUI object




Attributes Summary

CF calFlat object. It includes 'rawFlat', 'logRF', and etc... attributes that are required to the calibration.
CF.rawFlat Raw data of the flat frame.
CF.tilt Tilt anlge of the camera.
CF.rlRF Tilt corrected log(raw flat).
CF.coeff Polynomial fitting paramerter set for the 1st curvature correction.
dw (1st) curvature shifted value.
CF.logF curvature corrected flat frame.
CF.rmFlat Atlas subtracted flat.
wvlet_y Wavlet object applied to the y (slit) direction.
yFringe Horizontal fringe pattern.
s1 Horizontal fringe subtracted image.
ms1 Spectral line masked image.
xFringe Vertical fringe pattern.
s2 Vertical fringe subtracted image.
CF.coeff2 Polynomial fitting paramerter set for the 2ndt curvature correction.
CF.logF2 2nd curvature corrected flat frame.
ms_cF Master flat.
sp Slit pattern.
rsp Slit pattern derived from the raw data.
cd1 Horizontal fringe corrected data.
cd2 Final result of the calibration.

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