Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph


Latest Version Anaconda-Server Badge Anaconda-Server Badge

If you are new to Python please see the Python Tutorial, and install Mamba or Anaconda.

These required packages are automatically installed if you install fisspy by using Mamba or Anaconda.

We highly recommend you to use the Mamba and virtual environment to avoid the break your installation. For the Mamba installtion, please see this miniforge installation guide

After installation you can create the virtual environment and activate the virtual environment like below:

> mamba create -n yourenvname python=3.10
> mamba activate yourenvname
Here 'mamba' can be relaced to the conda if you use conda, but we recommend the mamba becuase it works well and faster than conda.

We highly recommend you use the 'mamba' to install the FISSpy:

> mamba install fisspy

After installation of the FISSpy, you can download other console or editor like below

> mamba install ipython

If you need editor we recommend VSCode or Spyder anyone you want. Spyder can be downloaded from the mamba server, but we have not checked.

Sometimes an old version of the conda has some errors and takes lots of time to download the FISSpy. If then, we recommend you use the mamba instead, See Option 1.

> conda install fisspy

If you fail to download the FISSpy using the above options, you can download the package using the PyPI server, but we do not recommend this method because of the code dependency.

> pip install fisspy

To update the package, you first check the available verison of the FISSpy by running:

> mamba search fisspy

Then install specific version of the FISSpy.

> mamba install fisspy=x.x.x