Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph


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If you haven't already installed Python with miniforge(Mamba), we recommend (re-)installing Python with miniforge. The miniforge will install conda and automatically configure the default channel to be conda-forge, and it is more stable and faster than the original conda.

First, download the installer for your OS from here. Then install the launch file like below:

To avoid the conflict, we recommend using a new virtual environment to install FISSpy. First, launch a terminal (under a UNIX-like system) or the miniforge Prompt (under Windows). Then create and activate a new virtual environment:

$ mamba create -n yourenvname
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda config --set channel_priority strict
$ mamba activate yourenvname

Here 'mamba' can be relaced to the conda. You can freely change 'yourenvname' to a different environment name.

Now we cal install fisspy:

$ mamba install fisspy

This will install FISSpy and all dependencies. You can also install other packages, such as Spyder, running mamba install <package_name>.

If you fail to download the FISSpy using the above options, you can download the package using the PyPI server, but we do not recommend this method because of the code dependency.

> pip install fisspy

To update the package, you first check the available version of the FISSpy by running:

> mamba search fisspy

Then, update or install a specific version of the FISSpy

> mamba update fisspy
> mamba install fisspy=x.x.x

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