Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph

class fisspy.analysis.tdmap.makeTDmap(data, dx=1, dy=1, dt=1, cmap=None, figsize=None, dpi=100, clim=None, label=None, aspect=1/10)

Description: Make Time-Distance map for given slit position interactively


  • data (numpy.ndarray) - 3-dimensional data array with the shape of (nt, ny, nx).
  • dx (float, optional) - Pixel scale along x-axis in the unit of km.
  • dy (float, optional) - Pixel scale along y-axis in the unit of km.
  • dt (float, optional) - Pixel scale along t-axis in the unit of sec.
  • cmap (matplotlib color map, optional) - Colormap of the image.
  • figsize (list, optional) - Figure size.
  • dpi (int, optional) - Depth per inch.
  • clim (list, optional) - Color limit of the image.
  • label (str, optional) - Label of the figure.
  • aspect (float, optional) - aspect of the figure slope of the TDmap ((km/s)^-1). Default is 1/10.


  • Make TDmap object
Note: To use the function correctly, you should change the backend of the matplotlib from inline to any of interactive backend (see here). In IPython you can simply change the backend by using '%matplotlib' magic function.


TD map


Attributes Summary

data Data array.
aspect aspect ratio of the TD map.
nx Number of pixels in scan direction.
ny Number of pixels in slit direction.
nt Number of frames in time direction.
date Observation date.
nwv Number of pixel in wavelength direction.
ny Number of pixel in slit direction.
nx Number of pixel in scan direction.
dx Pixel scale for x-axis (scan direction).
dy Pixel scale for y-axis (slit direction).
dt Time candence.
TD Time-distance map array.

Methods Summary

save(fname=None) Save the TDmap and slit information. Extension should be npz.

Methods Documentation


Description: Save the TDmap and slit information.


  • fname (str) - Filename to save the TD map array, and slit. Extension should be npz.


  • None

class fisspy.analysis.tdmap.analysisTDmap(TD, dl, dt, cmap=None, figsize=[19, 8], dpi=100, parent=None, clim=None, t=0, label=None, aspect=1/10)

Description: Analysis TDmap measuring the velocity of ridges and period of the time-series.


  • TD (numpy.ndarray) - Time-distance map (nl, nt).
  • dl (float) - Pixel scale of the distance slit.
  • dt (float) - Time cadence.
  • cmap (matplotlib color map, optional) - Colormap of the data.
  • figsize (list, optional) - Figure size.
  • dpi (int, optional) - Depth per inch.
  • clim (list, optional) - Color limit of the image.
  • label (str, optional) - Label of the figure.
  • aspect (float, optional) - aspect of the figure slope of the TDmap ((km/s)^-1). Default is 1/10.


  • Analysis TDmap object

Attributes Summary

TD Time-Distance map array.
dl Pixel scale of the distance slit.
dt Time candence.

Methods Summary

save(fname=None) Save the measuring parameters of the TDmap.

Methods Documentation


Description: Save the TDmap parameters.


  • fname (str) - Filename to save the TD map parameters. Extension should be npz.


  • None

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